Acupuncture is as effective as medication at reducing anxiety.
The sensation of restlessness, tension, sweating, rapid breathing, impending doom, fatigue, insomnia, stomach cramps, diarrhea, neck and shoulder pain, and wishing to become part of your couch.
These are common symptoms of anxiety.
Anxiety is deeply uncomfortable and really common. Stopping anxiety so you can get back to being your happiest self is one of the things that acupuncture does best.
Anxiety is felt on a spectrum from feeling mildly uncomfortable to having moderate anxiety, to severe anxiety that affects every part of your life.
Anyone with anxiety, no matter how mild or severe can benefit from acupuncture.
Acupuncture is incredibly relaxing, it soothes aches and pain, and it can be used to manage the symptoms of anxiety.
Anxiety looks different for everyone and it can be treated with acupuncture no matter how mild or severe the symptoms are. You can take medication for anxiety and enjoy acupuncture at the same time. To book your acupuncture assessment with Dr. Melanie Morrill Ac. click the book appointment button in the top right corner of your screen or call the clinic at 587-879-7122.