Acupuncture for Bipolar – Treating Bipolar Disorder with Acupuncture: A dynamic balance for emotional wellbeing
by Feb 27, 2023 |
Categories: Acupuncture, Neuropathy, Senior’s Health
Acupuncture for bipolar is about balance – like many things in life. Moods and emotions are not static, they change, they ebb, and they flow. Bipolar disorder is often characterized as having dramatic mood swings, but this is reductive and not holistic. Symptoms of bipolar disorder vary from person to person and are different based on the type of bipolar disorder.
Bipolar I is where a person has had at least one manic episode and a hypomanic or major depressive episode.
Bipolar II is where a person has had a major depressive episode and hypomanic episode without a manic episode.
Bipolar I and bipolar II are the two most common types of bipolar disorder, but they are not the only types.
The goal of acupuncture for bipolar is to reduce the symptoms associated with mania, hypomania, and major depressive episodes, helping to restore balance to your life.
Acupuncture for bipolar is tailored to the symptoms the person is having. During a major depressive episode or hypomania, acupuncture is increasing energy, reducing stress hormones, supporting healthy sleep, and uplifting. During manic episodes acupuncture is soothing, calming, and supporting healthy sleep. Treatment reflects the individual and their current needs.