Basal Body Temperature Tracking for Fertility

by Melanie Morrill | Jan 27, 2022

Knowing your fertile window will help you get pregnant faster.

Body basal temperature tracking is a way to keep track of where you are in your menstrual cycle, predict your ovulation, and can indicate early pregnancy.

You can keep track of your temperature in an app or with a sheet of paper, I recommend whichever you find easiest. Take your temperature first thing in the morning before you get out of bed with an accurate thermometer to one decimal place. (e.g. 36.4) BBT is most accurate before you get out of bed and after you have slept for at least five uninterrupted hours.

Follicular phase: Cycle day 1-13, this is the lowest temperature in your cycle and it should be fairly similar from day to day.

Ovulation: Cycle day 13-15, this is when your temperature changes the most. Often, there is a slight dip and then your temperature rises 0.3 to 0.9 degrees. Your fertile window is the 3-5 days before your temperature rises, once your temperature rises that is the last day of your fertile window.

Luteal phase: Cycle day 15-28, this is the highest your temperature will be during the month and it should be fairly similar from day to day until your period is due. In the 3-5 days leading up to your period, you can expect your temperature to start dropping. If you are pregnant, your temperature will stay high and it will not drop.

If you have trouble remembering to take your temperature you can keep your thermometer on your alarm clock, glasses, or you can set a second alarm on your phone to remind you. Taking your temperature daily makes your BBT chart the most accurate.

If you are trying to conceive, acupuncture is a great way to support your fertility and early pregnancy. Dr. Melanie Morrill Ac. is able to help you find your fertile window, understand your fertility, and support the hormonal balance needed to conceive.