Cervical Mucus and Fertility

by Melanie Morrill | April 14, 2022

Use your cervical mucus to get pregnant faster.

I am passionate about supporting couples and people on their fertility journey with acupuncture, information, and recommendations.

Today, we are talking about cervical mucus. First and foremost, everyone with a cervix naturally produces cervical mucus.   It is 100% normal. Your vagina and cervix are supposed to be wet. You are supposed to have goo down there. This is normal. It is also normal that sometimes your cervical mucus bleaches your black underwear and stains your white underwear. Your cervical mucus is part of the self-cleaning that the reproductive tract does. It also acts as a protector, moisturizer, and lubricant.

Not all cervical mucus is the same, there are four types that are produced at different times of the menstrual cycle. They are:

  • G-type which is like a thick white paste
  • L-type which is clear, sticky, or wet
  • S-type which is clear, slippery, and smooth
  • P-type which is white or clear and lubricating

During the menstrual cycle, the body knows which to produce and when to do it. About six days before ovulation and to prepare for the fertile window the cervix produces more P-type and S-type mucus to prepare for ovulation. This usually looks like clear stretchy egg white cervical mucus. After ovulation, the cervix produces more G type which is creamy and less stretchy.

If your cervical mucus has changed recently, is green, black, or foul-smelling it is time to talk to a medical doctor. Sometimes yellow cervical mucus is normal, some times it isn’t. I know that isn’t super helpful, but if your mucus has changed recently, talk to your doctor. 

Cervical mucus should not be the only indication of your ovulation day, but it can be helpful. If you have questions about your reproductive health book a consultation with me, I’m happy to review your fertility journey and help you get pregnant faster!

I would love to answer any questions you may have about cervical mucus and any other fertility questions you might have. Give me a call at 587-879-7122 to book in.