Postpartum Acupuncture for Healing and Support

by Melanie Morrill | May 19, 2022

Postpartum depression isn’t the only postpartum condition new moms need support with.

Postpartum acupuncture can help with 

Your post-baby bounce back. All the pregnancy hormones have dropped making you more prone to anxiety and depression. Labor and delivery are not always smooth and after you have your baby there is so much acupuncture can help with.

  • Fatigue
  • After labor pains
  • Cesarean section recovery and scar work 
  • Baby Blues
  • Lochia
  • Diastasis Recti
  • Hormonal Lactation Issues
  • Healing after tearing
  • Breast/chestfeeding support
  • Constipation
  • Pelvic pain and pressure
  • Postpartum depression
  • Postpartum anxiety

Typically, a postpartum mom is recommended to see their obstetrician once at six weeks. For most moms, this is not enough postpartum maternal care. That is where postpartum acupuncture comes in. Postpartum acupuncture is four treatments over eight weeks after an uncomplicated delivery. We begin treatment when you are two weeks postpartum and we will do a full assessment of your health. We ensure that new mothers are supported, their questions are answered and they feel comfortable in their bodies. The postpartum body undergoes many changes and we are here to guide and support you through those changes. Well-nurtured moms lead to well-nurtured babies.

Let me help nurture you and your baby! Book your acupuncture consultation by calling 587-879-7122. 

Acupuncture helps you feel like yourself so you can enjoy your baby’s first three months.