What is Acupuncture?

by Melanie Morrill | Oct 21, 2021

Categories: Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a therapeutic modality that uses needles, laser or an electric current to stimulate acupuncture points in your body. These treatments address imbalances that arise from physical and emotional stress, poor nutrition, infection or injury.

Acupuncture stimulates your body’s own healing. Acupuncture is deeply relaxing and many people rest or sleep during their treatment.

The practice of acupuncture has been regulated in Alberta since 1988 under the Health Disciplines Act. In 2011, the College of Acupuncturists of Alberta was designated to regulate the acupuncture profession.

Acupuncture alleviates pain, reduces stress, and improves your health safely and naturally.

How can Acupuncture improve your life?

Acupuncture is used for many health conditions, including alleviating pain, improving mental health, as well as obstetric and gynecological concerns. Acupuncture works by reducing inflammation, improving circulation, decreasing pain, releasing endorphins, increasing tissue healing, and balancing hormones.

The World Health Organization (WHO) published a report on Acupuncture: Review and Analysis of Reports on Controlled Clinical Trials:

“Modern scientific research studies have revealed the following actions of acupuncture:

  • inducing analgesia [pain relief]
  • protecting the body against infections
  • regulating various physiological functions

Since its therapeutic actions are achieved by mobilization of the organism’s own potential, acupuncture does not produce adverse effects, as do many drug therapies.

“…Generally speaking, acupuncture treatment is safe if it is performed properly by a well-trained practitioner. Unlike many drugs, it is non-toxic, and adverse reactions are minimal.”

Dr. Xiaorui Zhang, World Health Organization